Saturday, September 30, 2017

Cultural totalitarianism!

She talks this way precisely because she was educated in America! Taught to hate America, its laws, its history!

And then there is that terrible racist Dr. Suess. Suessgate!

Mark Steyn says we may be making ourselves a society too stupid to survive if we go down this path. "Common sense presupposes that a society has something in common!" Do we have enough in common to hold together? If everything is racist, nothing is racist!

A Satanist named Lucien Graves wants to force Christian bakers to violate their beliefs. Tucker asks him why he is spending time bothering other people. Lucien responds, "We're upholding pluralism." Tucker responds, "No you are not upholding pluralism, you are seeking out people to bother!"

Peter Schweizer comes on to discuss insider trading by staffers of members of Congress. Politico had a story about it this week and Schweizer wrote about it several years ago.

Peter Kirsanow of the US Commission on Civil Rights talked about the profound consequence of police withdrawing from proactive policing. False narrative feeds the outrage which feeds the protests which resulted in police withdrawing from black communities which results in the spike of crime rates.

Senator Bob Menendez from New Jersey is in trouble facing 18 counts of fraud and bribery.

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