Tuesday, September 19, 2017

A speech of blunt truths!

Rush was thrilled, excited, and proud of President Trump's bold speech to the UN today. John Bolton agreed.
Rush observed, "Reality (Trump) is always much more compelling than narrative (Obama)."

Trump inspired Rush to go on a patriotic splurge. "The main problem in the world is the unequal distribution of freedom. The unequal distribution of capitalism. The overdistribution of socialism and communism." Other world leaders don't dare allow freedom in their countries, because they fear not being elected!

"Rocketman's on a suicide mission!"

Rush cites an opinion piece by Heather MacDonald in today's Wall Street Journal. Two law professors wrote an OpEd in a Philadelphia newspapers stressing these values:
“Get married before you have children and strive to stay married for their sake. Get the education you need for gainful employment, work hard, and avoid idleness. . . . Eschew substance abuse and crime.” The weakening of these traditional norms has contributed to today’s low rates of workforce participation, lagging educational levels and widespread opioid abuse, the professors argued.

The professors caught hell from their academic employers.

Read more here.

American economic and military superiority has historically kept the peace, even as China and Russia have been our enemies.

If only Hillary were the subject of an aggressive investigation such as is taking place with Mueller going after Paul Manafort. The New York Times applauds Mueller's "shock and awe tactics" to intimidate Mr. Manafort. Rush wonders if Mueller's team is looking to flip somebody against Trump. Wiretapping Manafort/Trump conversations? Manafort had an apartment in Trump Towers. The Obama FBI wiretapped the head of a political campaign (Manafort). They picked the lock in July on his home while he and his family slept, and then told him they were going to indict him, after rifling through his papers. Sounds to me like they were trying to flip him.

Rush: "What the government did in the Obama presidency was way worse than what Nixon did in Watergate. Nixon did not use the IRS to intimidate his enemies. Nixon did not use the FBI to defeat a political opponent.

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