Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Who is "unhinged?" Who are the haters?

The UK Daily Mail is leading the charge today against the Trumps. Apparently, Melania was wearing five inch heels when she boarded the plane to Texas. I guess the Daily Mail thought she would be walking around flood-ravaged areas in those heels.

Meanwhile, the Left has not slacked off whatsoever in their effort to destroy Donald Trump and his presidency.

Rush points out that Trump now has two people in his administration undercutting him (Tillerson and Cohn). He also points out that the Southern Poverty Law Center is one of the biggest hate groups on the left. All you have to do is disagree with them, and you are called a hater. The CEOs of Apple and JP Morgan have recently written huge checks to SPLC. If your conservative group raises money, then the Southern Poverty Law Center is out to destroy you. Do these CEOs not know this? By the same token, does Gary Cohn really not know what AntiFa is? AntiFa is devoted to violence, they are a hate group. You can't placate them. You cannot support their cause and reduce their violence.

Unlike Mitt Romney and George W. Bush, Trump does not sit there and take the lies and abuse from the media. After his speech in Phoenix, the word among the pundits in the mainstream media was "unhinged!" They were referring to Trump, but describing themselves and the Democratic Party.

James Clapper has now been hired by CNN. He worked for Barack Obama, who pandered to the enemies of the United States, but now he is worried about Donald Trump having access to nuclear weapons! Clapper and Obama enabled the Iranians to ramp up their nuclear program! We elected someone who believes in the United States and wants to make it great again, and these people question his fitness for office!

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