Sunday, August 27, 2017

Two defiant, determined men

Here is an unlikely duo: Milo Yiannopolous interviews Alex Jones! I had never listened to Alex for more than a couple of minutes. Something about his gravelly voice.

Both men have in common defiance, determination, and leadership.

Alex says he tries to look at the story behind the story.

Alex is interested in the Seth Rich murder. He was the leaker to Wikileaks, Alex believes.

Alex believes the mainstream media has collapsed. They are now just a disruptive force being propped up by big bank accounts.

He believes the Left actually wants to kill Trump. He muttered something about "hit teams."

Asked by Milo if he has a political hero, Alex answers, "Donald Trump." Why? Because he absorbs the hate. He also mentions George Washington, Martin Luther King and the people in England who ended slavery.

Milo is impressed by Alex's apparently limitless energy. Alex admits he loves being attacked.

Apparently, Megyn Kelly did an interview with Alex. He tells how she sucked up to him to get the interview. "It was tart-level!" He feels sorry for her, believing that NBC used her for a political stunt.

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