Friday, August 04, 2017

The role of generals in the Trump administration, parroting the Obama administration’s line on Israel and Iran

Paul Mirengoff writes at PowerLine about the purge of three people from the National Security by General McMaster. All three were big Trump supporters.
Democrats like Rep. Barbara Lee are far off base when they complain about the role of generals in the Trump administration. Generally speaking, the U.S. military is a politically correct institution and its thinking is not sharply at odds with that of the Washington foreign policy establishment. Thus, we shouldn’t be surprised if former generals like McMaster, and to a lesser degree Kelly and Mattis, are moderating forces in the Trump administration.

Moderating voices shouldn’t be excluded from the administration. Some of Trump’s campaign positions can do with being moderated.

However, when the moderating voices largely parrot the Obama administration’s line on Israel and Iran, we have a big problem.
Read more here.

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