Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Left's idea: to delegitimize the entirety of American history.

Once again today Mark Steyn was fabulous hosting the Rush Limbaugh Show. I will give you some excerpts of the many topics he covered.

Very similarly to Scott Adams, Mark wonders if the media is even capable of reporting on the president. As nutty as they think Trump is, what he has done to the media has made them look even nuttier! Mark recommends that they look for a different line of work.

Hillary's publisher has released some of her new book. She writes about the debate in St. Louis in which she says that Donald Trump was invading her space. "No matter where I walked, he followed me closely, making faces, staring at me. It was incredibly uncomfortable. He was really breathing down my neck!" Scott Adams would call that a hallucination! Mark said Hillary Clinton is the most ungroped woman on the planet! She never had to worry about Bill Clinton looming behind her. He was busy groping Monical Lewinsky, Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Kathleen Willey and all the others. Now Hillary knows how they all felt! Another hallucination: Her skin crawled because he was looming behind her.

We've moved from statues to real people. ESPN has moved the scheduled announcer of an upcoming University of Virginia football game. He is an Asian American man named Robert Lee! Mark believes sports have become the most politically correct venue in American life. 96% of sports broadcasters voted for Hillary Clinton!
Political correctness demands that we NOT NOTICE! The more obvious the lie, the more the ruling party likes it because they are teaching you that they define reality.

McConnell "in private" has doubts about whether Trump will be able to complete his four years as president. That is according to the New York Times, which puts that "private" conversation on its front page!

Mark said watching the rally last night reminded him of why Trump won. He was authentic and unfiltered.

Like ISIS, the Left is destroying statues, holding up severed heads (Kathy Griffin), dressing in black with masks. Monopoly internet providers don't kick ISIS off their recruitment sites, but they kicked off Robert Spencer's Jihad Watch site.

Historical vandalism is a sign of a Barbarian culture. Mark believes the idea is to delegitimize the entirety of American history. They are advancing from Confederate soldiers to the founding fathers to Christopher Columbus. If you delegitimize American history, you cannot use American precepts to chart your way into the future.

We are not having a conversation. We are having mobs vandalizing and destroying or craven municipal authorities removing statues in the dead of night.

Common sense presupposes people have something in common. But, as Scott Adams points out, we are seeing two different movies.

The Chief Justice of California wants federal immigration officials out of her courtrooms because they have a "negative effect on justice!" Mark said it is why Trump got elected!

People don't want to feel squeezed into looking at things the way the media wants them to. Trump does not
see why he has to be a performing monkey that does what the CNN organ grinder makes him do.

In Charlottesville, the authorities all abdicated their responsibility to maintain order. The AntiFa thugs carried clubs with nails in them and flame throwers. Instead of singing "Give peace a chance," they just wanted to sing "All we are saying is give my flame thrower a chance!"

Do you think Trump rallies expand his base?

Tillerson undercut Trump immediately after his Afghanistan speech. Trump emphasized, "We fight to win!" Tillerson said nobody is going to win, so the Taliban might as well negotiate!

Remember Valerie Plame? She is back in the news, trying to use a Go Fund Me effort to buy Twitter so she can kick Trump off Twitter! Twitter is worth $12 billion dollars. Good luck with that, Valerie!

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