Thursday, August 31, 2017

Showing Kim Jong Un

U.S and South Korean fighter jets fly over the Korean Peninsula on Thursday. PHOTO: SOUTH KOREA DEFENSE MINISTRY/ASSOCIATED PRESS

Jonathan Cheng reports at The Wall Street Journal,
SEOUL—The U.S. sent four of its most advanced jet fighters and a pair of B-1B bombers over the Korean Peninsula, alongside Japanese and South Korean jets, as a show of force in direct response to North Korea firing a missile over Japan.

The flyover Thursday, which included a bombing drill on a range in South Korea, came at the end of annual joint U.S.-South Korean military exercises that have angered Pyongyang.

It is the first time the F-35B jets have been used in such a mission with the B-1B bombers over the peninsula, the U.S. Air Force Pacific Command said in a statement. It said the flyover—which also included two Japanese F-15 and four South Korean F-15K jet fighters—emphasized an “ironclad commitment” to the defense of allies and the U.S., and maintained a readiness to give leaders “viable and ready military options.”
Read more here.

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