Saturday, August 26, 2017

Rule by fear

Milo Yiannopolis sees Google memo writer James Damore as "the first moment in a new wave of resistance to the stifling, politically correct culture in corporate America." When it became clear that James had support, Google needed to squash it immediately. James learned the hard way that when you are really stressed, you start seeing threats everywhere. In fact, one person told him he/she would "hunt you down!"

Milo explained that being very Left wing comes at no personal risk. Being very right wing comes at personal risk. One uses emotion; the other uses fact, reason, and logic.

Milo does challenge or confront James on one point. Apparently, James said something in his memo about society pushing men to be more masculine than females are pushed to be more feminine. Milo said, "The problem is not too many men are masculine; the problem is too many men are feminine! Women are not too happy about it.

This refusal to treat people with different points of view as human beings is one reason Trump got elected!

Milo says, "There is an outpouring of maudlin self-pity and fact-free emotional drivel!"

In his now famous Google memo, Damore just summarized a few studies. Milo says, "That's why they're so mad! Because they know you are so right and so reasonable about it!" Then he adds from his personal experience, "You don't have to be reasonable to make them mad, but you do have to be right! There is nothing that makes people angrier than when the person is telling the truth!"

Milo criticizes conservatives for their "hands off, blind adherence to free market principles when it comes to free speech. As a result, conservatives have lost the academy, the media, Hollywood, and the tech industry. One side is asking for debate, and the other side refuses to show up!"

Milo says for himself he asked "Why appease them, like Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan? Just go to war," like Trump!

Leftists rule by threat of professional disaster as a way of enforcing conspiracy theories. Milo believes that what James Damore has done is a major moment in an inevitable resistance against the scolds, nannies, social justice warriors who believe they are entitled to dictate what we believe and how we live.

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