Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Republican excuse-makers

What's on Rush Limbaugh's mind today?

Consumer Confidence is at a 17-year high.

Some in the media say, "It's not fair to call looters "looters." They are just "trying to survive!"

Jim Rutenberger of the New York Times told a bar association meeting that there is a campaign to undermine and discredit the media. Rush said it was the other way around: "The purpose of the Left, of which the media is the functioning leader, is to discredit all credible opposition, because you can't beat us in the realm of ideas!"

Rush played one of his famous montages of the media attacking Trump as he and Melania went to Texas. The word of the day was "empathy." Trump doesn't have it, said the media and #NeverTrump conservatives. We have a president who is a builder! What do the people of Texas need? Building and rebuilding!

Rush notes that John King of CNN actually was critical of the media getting into the muck with bias against Trump!

Rush said the media told outright lies about all three Trump statements after Charlottesville. Rush said, "There are people in the media who know this. Are there any people in the media who are troubled by this?"

In answer to a listener's question, Rush talked about the effect of the modern feminist movement on boys and young men. He mentioned the prescribing of drugs for diagnoses of ADD and ADHD. Young men are greatly outnumbered now by young women in colleges. He mentioned the made-up stories about the prevalence of rape on campuses.

AntiFa is Obama as violence.

Rush believes the Republican Party is breaking up. Rush gives some recent history of the Republican Party. The Tea Party came along and got the Republicans in the majority in both houses of Congress. No one in the Establishment thought Republicans would win the presidency. Trump did. Now Republicans have to govern. So now the excuse is we don't have 60 votes in the Senate, so we really can't do anything. This cannot continue. Who is going to vote for a Republican excuse-maker? Luckily, the Dems are in an even bigger mess. Rush sadly notes that party affiliation comes second. Being a member of the Establishment comes first.

We learn that the economy actually grew at a 3 percent rate in the second quarter. We never saw this in Obama's entire eight years, but we are seeing it in the 7th month of Trump.

Existing immigration laws are being enforced, and it is having a tremendous effect in slowing illegal immigration.

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