Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Mattis talks to the troops, AntiFa violently smashes peaceful patriots

Andrew Klavan points out that summer is the time when political news slows down, so journalists have time to really dig deep into meaningless incidents in order to scare us, make us hate one another, and blame Donald Trump.

Andrew says the Justice Department got conned into appointing a Special Counsel who is sure to get to the bottom of who didn't hack anything and who was responsible for the fact that the vote was accurate!

It's too bad autumn is on the way and there will be real news taking place and we'll be too busy to blame Trump for something that never happened which he wasn't involved with anyway.

They are not AntiFas, they are Fas!

Does it take a catastrophe like Hurricane Harvey to bring us together? Andrew says, "No it doesn't! All you need to do is turn off CNN, and you will see people working together all over this country!"

James Mattis talks to the troops. "We don't frickin scare! We're going to keep on fighting until they're sick of us and leave us alone. You're a fine example for our country right now. Just hold the line until our country gets back to respecting each other and showing it. We've got the power of inspiration (we'll get it back) and the power of intimidation (that's you!)." Andrew agrees: "They are keeping the enemy at bay, while we learn not to be enemies of ourselves!"

Klavan does not like Joe Arpaio. He thinks it is wrong and inhuman to humiliate people who are in jail. At the same time, however, he believes the Obama open borders policy was insane.

Sebastian Gorka's father fought the Nazis, then the Communists in Hungary. The last straw for Gorka was Trump's Afghanistan speech, which did not mention radical Islamic terrorism even once!

Andrew brings on Michael Knowles, who also has a Daily Wire podcast. Michael is the guy who wrote Reasons to Vote Democrat, a blank book that became a best seller. Michael covered the two events in Berkeley over the weekend. One was the "Patriot Prayer" event. The other was "No Marxism in America!" Both events were canceled after organizers received death threats from the fascist group called AntiFa. Joey Gibson of the Patriot Prayer group was pepper-sprayed immediately by AntiFa and ran to the cops for protection.
AntiFa chanted, "No Trump, No Wall, No USA at all!"

Michael believes that AntiFa is the logical conclusion of mainstream leftwing thought. It is the suppression of speech, intimidation by coercion. Andrew says, "It's Google!" Michael agrees, and points out that in the last three days Google has launched a crackdown on rightwingers on YouTube. Google is working with the Southern Poverty Law Center to redirect you when you Google a rightwing site to a leftwing site that would debunk the claims made by the rightwing site. Orwellian! Dennis Prager's video series on the Ten Commandments has been restricted by YouTube! They have "gone to war with conservatives." Andrew says Jeff Sessions should take a look at anti-monopoly action against Google. He says Google is a business with the power of government. The whole point of government is to stop the mighty from hurting the small!

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