Tuesday, August 22, 2017

"Make them face up to their history.... Before they rewrite ours."

For the second time in one day, I want to excerpt another post by JJ Sefton at Ace of Spades.
...So, in reality, what does "the right" stand for? Individual liberty, personal responsibility, a belief in the free market and the rule of a just and stable law with the absolute minimum amount of government to ensure the proper functioning of the civil society,

Suffice it to say that the Left rejects this. Nameless millions of victims in the killing fields, gas chambers, and gulags all over the world bear witness to the notion of the perfectibility of man and paradise on earth. This is why in Charlottesville, the so-called "alt-right" along with Neo-Nazis, the KKK, and white supremacists are pinned on us, because, in fact, given the history, they are 100% part and parcel of the other side.

So, if this is the case how can there be extremists on both sides? It makes no sense. There is no moral equivalency between the two sides. THERE IS NO LEFT/RIGHT PARADIGM. There are only those who believe in freedom and liberty and those who do not; or more precisely, those who are willing to take advantage of the good nature and gullibility of all too many to seize control and to tear down America as founded, Judeo-Christianity, the Scottish Enlightenment, free market capitalism and every other aspect of real human progress the aforementioned have fostered over the past 2,000 years of history.

It is way past time we took back the language and set the record straight and reject this blood-libeling. Make them face up to their history.... Before they rewrite ours.
Read more here.

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