Saturday, August 19, 2017

Hollowing out the very idea of America?

Did you know there are over 4 million bureaucrats with top security clearance in our government?

So where are we, according to Mark Steyn? You've got the Democrats, who are itching to impeach Trump. You've got the permanent bureaucracy leaking away. You've got the Republicans who seem to want to castrate Trump and make him a conventional Republican president. That last one is the most dangerous, turning him into a Jeb Bush or John Kasich. Trump will succeed or fail on how well he implements the issues that got him elected.

Did you know that 46 of the 51 signers of the Declaration of Independence were slave holders? Steyn suspects that those who want to tear down the statues really want to tear down our founding documents, too. They are doing what they are doing to demolish and hollow out the very idea of America!

I think Mark Steyn is brilliant and always worth listening to or reading.

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