Friday, August 18, 2017

Corporate grifters, race relations, statues, Afghanistan, hating the "right" people, Tillerson, ISIS

Laura starts off by talking about the "corporate grifters," CEOs who get some emails and jump to try to ward off leftist troublemakers, by instituting politically correct diversity and identity politics.

Laura said she believes race relations are better in the South than anywhere else in America. What has been your experience?

Pulling down statues? Pelosi and Obama said nothing about the statues all over the House of Representatives when they were in power, but now she is demanding they be torn down by the Republicans. Laura pointed out that it is about power, control, and domination. Get people angry, then they ask them for money!

Rick Grinnell may be in line for the ambassadorship to Germany. He was a guest on Laura's show and told us that Trump is very popular in the Middle East, in contrast to the fecklessness of Obama. There is a meeting at Camp David this weekend and Afghanistan is on the agenda. Grinnell hopes for a surge of Special Ops to make sure terrorists do not find a safe haven there.

Laura points out that it is not considered a hate crime when you direct your hatred in the "right" direction. The Left wants to drive the debate into defamation and demonization. They want the sore of racism open, picked, and festering so they can get political power and momentum.

A woman who is a Missouri state lawmaker called for Trump's assassination. She, of course, is a Democrat.

Secretary of State Tillerson is demanding that any vacancy in the State Department include at least one minority candidate.

Laura pointed out that ISIS is growing, not on the battlefield, but worldwide because of its spread of ideology on the internet.

Doug McElway, the Fox News reporter who did such a good job reporting in Charlottesville, was a guest. The police did nothing! There were approximately 250 white nationalists and five to ten times that number of Antifa thugs.

Lastly, Laura recommends the latest Pat Buchanan piece, which is here.I will read it when I get a chance today.

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