Sunday, August 20, 2017

"Confusion on a genocidal level"

Susan Goldberg writes at PJ Media,
Birth control and abortion made tying “career” to “fulfillment” easy. However, anecdotal evidence supports what statistics reveal: Birth control has impeded the emotional and psychological maturity of entire generations of women and men. If fulfillment no longer involved family, and sex is now purely for pleasure, then why be bothered with the responsibilities that go along with relationships? Millennial women have missed out on the personal growth attained by their foremothers through the natural stages of marriage and children. Women’s incarceration rates have grown tenfold while the suicide rate has increased among Millennial women.

...“We’ve lost something precious, distinctive and unique …the spiritual joys and physical pleasures of womanhood,” Kupfermann writes. When you chemically repress female bodies, brainwash women’s minds, and render them ignorant about their own health, happiness and, yes, power, you can’t expect anything less than complete failure to take place. Second-wave feminists have divorced women from womanhood. Now that the numbers are proving their grand ideas wrong, they have one of two choices: Admit the wrong they have done or change the language to justify the failure. Gender is a construct, motherhood is selfish and “it isn’t a lie if you believe it.” This is confusion on a genocidal level. It is killing us. It will kill our daughters. Therefore, it must be stopped.
Read more here.

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