Thursday, August 31, 2017

AntiFa oppression, flood rescues, think for yourselves, Be a lifelong truthseeker!

Who are AntiFa? "The Leftwing agitators who fight against oppression by violently oppressing those who oppose them!"

Laura Ingraham wants to classify AntiFa as a terrorist group (there is a petition on line for you to sign). Laura points out that, once again, Berkeley police did not do their job. They allowed these masked cowards to enter this park. The police stood back and left! Laura labels this action by police "a reckless disregard for human life." AntiFa intimidated and violently attacked prayerful people who were there to pray for peace for all sides.

Trace Gallagher reports that a 70 mile stretch from Port Arthur to Beaumont he flew over in a Blackhawk helicopter looked like lake-after-lake-after-lake. His crew filmed several rescues by the helicopter.

An ABC reporter, Tom Llamas, was attacked by liberals on Twitter for observing looters looting and reporting it. Dan Bongino explains that liberalism is built around nihilism.

Fifteen professors from Harvard, Yale, and Princeton have written a memo to students urging the students to "think for yourself!" The professors do not want students to fall into groupthink and conformity and to just sign on with the dominant orthodoxy. Professor Robert George of Princeton came on as a guest to answer Tucker's questions. "Pursue the truth," he advised students! "Be a lifelong truthseeker!" "You cannot seek the truth if you are a conformist, a dogmatist, and ideologue." "Epithets like bigotry far too often are used to shut down debate!" "Don't allow yourselves to be intimidated and bullied!"

Mark Stein joined Tucker to discuss a new report by Luke Rosiak of the Daily Caller on Debbie Wasserman Schultz and her Pakistani IT aide, Imran Awan. The report revealed that Awan had a second House of Representative email account still active yesterday, an account he was banned from as a security risk. Steyn points out that Awan owned at least four homes in the Washington area. "Being a devout Muslim, he had at least two wives to support." But Debbie Wasserman Schultz alleges she was protecting this guy from America's white supremacy! Debbie, on camera, demanded her laptop back from the Capitol police, or else!

Hillary is out promoting her new book, What Happened? You can see her in New York or Toronto for $125! For $2400, you can meet her! Steyn says some Saudi princes and Sudanese warlords are saying, "Wait a minute, I had to pay $4 million to the Clinton Foundation and sit for a speech by Chelsea Clinton on diarrhea in Africa before I could get a meet and greet with Hillary Clinton!"

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