Monday, August 28, 2017

AntiFa celebrates their defeat of Berkeley's cops, Gingrich, Gorka, Trump's trade team the best ever, Tillerson not so much, Lt. Gov. Patrick of Texas, Sheriff Joe

Laura began her show today talking about how AntiFa is celebrating in California. "We defeated the police," as AntiFa beat up groups of people on at least five different occasions, while the police did little or nothing to stop them.

Then, Laura shifted the focus to Newt Gingrich's record as Speaker of the House in the nineties. Craig Shirley has written a book entitled Citizen Newt documenting how Newt drained the swamp by going after corrupt Congressmen.

Dr. Sebastian Gorka was the next guest. He said little, in my opinion. He did say most of the people left in the White House now would have been there if Hillary had won! Still, he boasts, "We will win!" I think the truth is both he and Bannon lost!

Laura believes the people Trump has brought in to deal with trade issues are the best any president has ever brought in.

Laura is not so excited about Rex Tillerson. Gorka answered, "No comment," when Laura asked him to comment on Tillerson's recent actions comparing his values to those of Trump. Gorka emphasized the three planks of Trump's 2016 victory: the wall, unleash the economy, defeat Islamists, and suggested Tillerson should go back and remember them.

So, who is left in the White House? Gorka counted four people left at the senior level! He bemoaned the loss of good people at the National Security Agency, where McMaster has "cleaned" house.

Texas Lt. Gv. Dan Patrick is "flooded in" at his house in Houston. He pointed out that Harvey now has a 200-mile breadth. 85% of Houstonians are flooded in. Never before have we had a hurricane followed by a tropical depression and so much rain. Trump is coming tomorrow. Patrick said Texans have come together as one in this time in which the nation is so divided. Laura pointed out that in time of deep suffering people need to grab onto the Cross and come closer to Christ. She sees it as a huge redemptive moment that we need to embrace.

Laura noted that the Left is already using the hurricane as a political weapon, saying that Trump can either build the wall or help people in Texas rebuild their lives. Patrick emphasized that this is going to be a long process. First is rescuing people, second is recovery, and third will be rebuilding lives and businesses.

John Kasich is the go-to trash Trump guy who is always available to the media. Would a Kasich-Hickenlooper ticket be a unifying ticket in 2020? Laura characterized it as a snoozity ticket!

Last, but not least, Laura has Sheriff Joe Arpaio as a guest. She says what happened to him was an example of the criminalization and defamation of politics. Arpaio talked about his deep respect for President Trump, whom he called a tough winner. He pointed out that George Soros poured in four million dollars into Maricopa County to defeat Joe in his last race for Sheriff. He said that Speaker Ryan ought to be opening an investigation into the corrupt judges who convicted him before Trump's pardon, instead of the "garbage" Ryan is espousing now. The pardon was done on the birthday of Joe's wife of 60 years!

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