Sunday, July 30, 2017


Is the Greg Gutfeld Show the wittiest show on television?

As usual, the show covered all the major stories in the week. Greg expressed hope that the appointment of General Kelly as white House Chief of Staff will cure the media of its "milliphobia," which is the assumption that the military is composed only of evil fascists.

The media ignored key wins for the country last week.
1. Where is the ISIS caliphate? It is not in Iraq!
2. A six-week operation by law enforcement netted 1,378 arrests. 1,095 were gang members. 445 were foreign nationals from 21 different countries.
3. The economy grew by 2.6%, higher than expected.

Nobody wants to admit their ex is doing great. Donald Trump is the media's ex! When accomplishments are being made in fighting terror, improving security and growing the economy, the media barely mentions it, but they have unlimited energy to cover benign chaos at the White House.

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