Sunday, July 23, 2017

I Am A Woman!

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

I am getting very tired of the Left, the so-called feminists, and political correctness devaluing women, girls, females, femininity, womanhood, motherhood, and just about anything that seems to have to do with being a bearer of the XX chromosome. There is constant babble about a war on women and it is true, there is a war on women. But, contrary to the lies being spread by the Left, the majority of the media, the so-called feminists, and the politically correct, that war is being waged not from the Right, not by the Conservatives, and most assuredly not by the majority of Christians. It is all about the so-called Progressives and their social engineering justice goals.

Women and girls are being forced to accept that biological males, who still have their masculine genitalia, will be sharing their bathrooms, showers, locker rooms, barracks, and competing against them on female sports teams. The females are being told they must adapt to the “transgender” male intruders, rather than these male intruders being told they must adapt to sharing their biologically correct spaces with non-transgender males.

The so-called feminists seem to be all about vaginas and breasts. They want to wear their little pink pussy-hats and go topless while protesting that women are seen only as sex objects and treated as second class citizens. They are constantly turning the conversation to their “lady parts”, yet are offended that someone else might actually mention lady parts or look at them someplace other than straight in the eyes. Well, guess what? If you constantly show that you care about nothing more than vaginas and breasts, how do you expect anyone else to see you as anything more than a life support system for those self-same lady parts???

I am very proud of being a woman. I have given birth to two daughters and have six granddaughters (as well as one grandson). Equality and rights for women are important to me. Very important. But, a bunch of man-hating feminists going topless, wearing pink pussy-hats, and leaving a ton of trash behind them after a senseless protest march is doing absolutely nothing to secure a single right for women that we do not already possess.

If these women are really worried about the rights of women, they should be protesting that biologically female athletes are now being forced to compete at a disadvantage against biologically male athletes who have decided they are actually girls. Or, maybe they should be raising heck about female genital mutilation being practiced in the United States, despite being a horrific practice that serves no purpose beyond de-humanizing the females who undergo this vile butchering. Perhaps they should be concerned about the number of female college students and female college graduates who have been so brainwashed by the false ideas of rape culture and white male privilege that they cannot function as normal, contributing members of a truly free society. There are very real problems that women in America face. There are even more real problems faced by women all around the world. But, they are not the problems being focused on by the very unfocused useful idiots of the Left and those who would use them for their own purposes.

American women have the right to vote, the right to bear arms, the right to free speech, in short, all the rights that American men possess. They have the right to medical care, including abortion, and the right to use birth control. They can gather for protests and speak out against tyranny, real or perceived. They have the right to marry as they wish or not marry as they wish. They can raise children, just adopt pets, or live life as a reclusive hermit. They can worship or not worship as they choose. They can work outside the home, work from home, or be a homemaker, wife, and/or mother.

But, even some of these rights are actually being challenged by those Leftist, so-called feminists. Women who choose to be stay-home wives and mothers have been under attack by feminists since the 1970s and they only get more hateful about it as the decades go by. Feminists are all about choice . . . so long as you choose as they specify. They want the right to spew any hateful vitriol they choose, yet they wish to deny others the same right to free speech. They are not only trying to limit the rights of women who do not agree with them, there are many who wish to curtail the rights and freedoms of men, just ‘cause they are male.

Well, I am here to say that they most assuredly do not speak for me! I like being a woman. I like men. I like children. I like being a stay-home wife. I like dressing up pretty and having my husband notice. I like being feminine, when I am not out doing septic maintenance, furniture building, fence repair, horse capturing, or something else a little less than prissy on our few acres here in Texas. I have cowboy boots for mucking and cowboy boots for dancing. I like when my husband takes me dancing and I don’t mind when I need to help him with mucking. I just like enough time to change into the proper boots.

Maybe if more Leftists, feminists, media-types, and the politically correct had to do some actual muck-raking they would realize that the crap they keep griping about is actually a great big pile of nothing. And, it might help if they went dancing once in a while to a really good Texas band in some small town after a rodeo. Just be sure to change out of the muck boots and into the dance boots, ‘cause horse manure makes for an unpleasant mess on the dance floor!

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