Sunday, July 30, 2017

"Don't win small, when you can win bigly!"

So says Scott Adams in this YouTube video. Between Scott and Andrew Klavan, I seem to have a thing for bald guys on YouTube.

Scott recently has been on the receiving end of anti-Trumpers sarcasm, and says, "When the anti-Trumpers resort to pure sarcasm, that usually means it is November 7 and something good can happen tomorrow!"

Scott grew up in upstate New York and has a feel for how New Yorkers talk. "Go f**k yourself" in New York would be stated "Well, I see we have a serious disagreement" in California. Scaramucci made a "serious rookie error" in not telling Ryan Lizza that the conversation was off the record. And regarding Lizza, he clearly knew it was meant to be off the record. "Nobody in the Trump administration should ever talk to that guy again!"

So, why did Trump pick Scaramucci? Because he is not going to take any prisoners. He is passionate and a fighter.

Scott likes the transparency of the whole thing.

Scott says Joel Pollack has written a good piece on health care at Breitbart. Scott said, "The best day would be the day Congress failed to enact health care legislation!" Oh, wait, that is what happened last week! The day an alcoholic hits bottom is not a bad day. It is a good day because that's a turning point day!

So why can't Congress pass health care legislation? They are trying to balance too many variables! Lobbyists from big pharma, hospitals, insurance companies funded Congress critters' political campaigns, and the critters cannot piss off those donors. Us? We don't have those variables. It is up to us to tell them what we want. If we are talking about the nation's defense, we defer to our president. If we are talking about domestic policy, the president is dependent on us, the voters! Was it really a failure not to pass legislation that wasn't going to help improve health care? Now all of the options are opening up to the public for debate.

Scott asks, "Has the news ever been this entertaining? It is like a reality show. Scaramucci trashes co-workers he has to walk past every day at the White House. Trump trashes Sessions.

Scott wonders if we are the original species. He concludes we are not. We are one of many software simulations! Can we rewrite our own script? Maybe we should try it!

The Russian conspiracy thing died when Trump went on offense against his Attorney General.

Confirmation bias: You think something means a lot, then you learn more and realize what you thought turns out to be nothing.

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