Friday, July 28, 2017

"Collusion between Russia and the FBI, via James Comey!"

Sundance reports at The Conservative Treehouse,
In congressional testimony today William Browder, CEO of Hermitage Capital, was testifying about the “Foreign Agents Registration Act” (FARA).

During Mr. Browder’s testimony the origin of the Fusion GPS ‘Russian Dossier’ was discussed. Browder stated the Russian government actually paid Fusion GPS to create the Steele propaganda dossier on candidate Donald Trump. That same dossier was used by the FBI in June/July 2016 to generate the FISA surveillance warrants against the Trump campaign.

...Yes, that actually means FBI Director James Comey was using propaganda commissioned by Russia to attack Trump, as the framework to launch his FBI investigation into candidate Donald Trump and Russian collusion.

Expanding the reality. This means the Russian collusion narrative the U.S. media has been running with for a year to attack Trump, was actually factual collusion between Russia and the U.S. FBI, via James Comey.
Read more here.

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