Thursday, July 20, 2017

American exceptionalism, unmasking, Mueller investigation, Zuckerberg and Lewis and Clark, Millennials have been roped in, our disgust with the Democratic Party, a full-scale coup attempt

Today the brilliant Rush Limbaugh was at the top of his game. Are Trump voters populists and nationalists, blind Anerica-Firsters? Rush does not think so. He thinks our primary motivation is our disgust with what the Democrats have been doing to our culture, our government, our education system, our government at all levels.

The 30th anniversary of this show is coming up on August 1. It now has over 27 million daily listeners! Today is the sixth month anniversary of Trump's presidency. There has been a full-scale coup attempt, and, short of that, an attempt to paralyze him.

Rush talked about American Exceptionalism, how it is built into our government structure. Our Constitution limits government and promotes individualism, the first country ever to do that!

Samantha Powers, Obama's UN Ambassador, is accused of illegally unmasking Americans. Information obtained by illegal masking has then been shared with the media, which has cooperated with the felonious release of information on American citizens. The media has benefitted ideologically as well as financially.

Bloomberg quotes an anonymous source (Mueller team?) as saying that the Mueller investigation is looking at every possible connection Trump has ever had with Russians. Mueller has hired a massive number of liberal activists to do the biggest oppo research in American history. No one could survive such an investigation, including Donald Trump. Mueller's team has no restraints, including money or time.

Zuckerberg has been knocking on people's doors in Minnesota and Chicago to find out how they think. Rush compares it to the Lewis and Clark expedition, which explored parts of America no American citizens had previously explored.

Millennials have been roped in to viewing economic growth as a danger to the environment.

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