Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Unmasking Americans, repealing and replacing Obamacare

On The Story with Martha MacCallum, we learn that Susan Rice is toying with the identity politics excuse for why she is being subpoenaed. They're coming after me on the crimes I committed (unmasking American citizens) because of my gender and my race.

Rand Paul and Donald Trump have discussed proposing an idea: break up the healthcare into two parts, a spending bill and a repeal bill. The repeal bill would please Senators like himself because it would lower taxes, regulations, and premiums, and also reform Medicaid. The spending part would get support from Democrats. He thinks it could be passed as early as Friday.

Then Martha had on John Barrasso, a Senator from Wyoming, who is, like Senator Paul, a doctor. He was enthusiastic about several aspects of repealing and replacing Obamacare.

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