Sunday, June 04, 2017

The Manchester terrorist, Salman Abedi, his family, and some neighbors.

Before yesterday's terror attack in London, Mark Steyn wrote a couple of columns about the Manchester terrorist, Salman Abedi, his family, and some neighbors. In one column Steyn wrote,
The preferred euphemism of British politicians for the likes of Mr. Abedi is "extremist". But there are an awful lot of moderate extremists out there, so you'll have to be a really extreme extremist to jostle your way through the pack to the point where anybody notices you.

...When you looks at the fools he and his comrades have made of the British state, I'm surprised Salman Abedi could stop laughing long enough to self-detonate.

As the number of Muslims increase, the number of extremists increase. As the number of extremists increase, the number of terrorists increase. As the number of terrorists increase, so the word "terrorist" has to be defined down so that a beleaguered security state can refine its priorities: There's no time for your nickel'n'dime Isis recruits, brides of Isis, "Islamic Fighting Group" commanders, bomb-makers, embassy-bombing masterminds... When it's an ever more stretched net with ever more gaping holes, everyone slips through.

Salman Abedi did not become a terrorist, a murderer, an "extremist", until the final moments of his life. But it's the 22 years leading up to that last definitive act that foretell the future for Britain and for its social tranquility. All the sophisticates assure us that this isn't an immigration problem because young Mr Abedi was "British". But he lived in no England recognizable to those who came before. He was raised in a world that has already seceded from England - an England after the neutron bomb, where the unlovely sprawl of urban Manchester still stands, but where the troubled girls run off to become brides of Isis, and the good girls work at the mosque and congratulate their brothers on self-detonating their way to Paradise.

What's in it for the existing populace of the United Kingdom in either of those models? Regardless of where Salman Abedi was born, the problem he exemplifies was imported. And the very least the British should demand of their politicians is that they cease importing any more of it.

There is no plateau, no equilibrium, no stablilization, no "acceptable level of violence" here - not in a time of transformative demographic change. The longer free citizens postpone making that very modest demand, the grimmer and more "divisive" the options will get.
Read more here.

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