Thursday, June 22, 2017

"Kill, Rape, Control"

Edwin Mora writes at Breitbart about how sanctuary cities block ICE from deporting members of the MS13 gang back to El Salvador after they commit violent crimes in the US.
Currently, there are “more than” 10,000 MS-13 gang members — accused of extortion, murder, and rape, among other crimes — operating in “at least” 46 states and the nation’s capital, according to the federal government.

“The MS-13 threat is everywhere in the U.S.,” warned Kenneth Blanco, the acting assistant attorney general at the Department of Justice (DOJ), while testifying alongside Albence.

Asked by Sen. Kennedy, “I want to make sure I understand. These are evil people…If they’re arrested and they’re in a local jail, there are some cities in the United States that would prevent you from coming in and talking to them, interviewing them?”

“Correct,” responded ICE’s Albence.

The gang’s motto is known as “kill, rape, control.”

MS-13, primarily based in El Salvador, has taken advantage of the flow of illegal immigrants in the last few years, particularly unaccompanied alien children (UACs), to bolster their ranks within the United States.

UACs refer to illegal aliens under the age of 18.
Read more here.

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