Saturday, June 03, 2017

It is time to demand to know what authorities are going to do to stop the piles of dead little girls from getting higher and higher!

Sometimes when listening to Mark Steyn I get an overdose of sarcasm. This video is different. We see his very serious side, as he demands to know what authorities are going to do to stop the piles of dead little girls from getting higher and higher.

The authorities do not want us to think about how we might go about avenging the dead or stopping further murders. It is a problem that was imported, not to Warsaw or Bucharest or Tokyo. Who is questioning the decisions of the political class that led to Manchester? Carry on? We can't! Everything has changed. Now there is more security everywhere, so the terrorists explode their bombs just outside the security zones.

How about moving the security perimeter to the national border? No, they continue to import people at a rate in which they cannot be assimilated. The debt we owe the victims is to stop it from happening again!

Mark describes the child sex slaves in Rotherham, which was covered up by authorities. When it came to Rotherham victims, the utter heartlessness of the British state was revealed.

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