Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Who are we? What do we stand for?

Okay, now I am caught up-to-date with Andrew Klavan episodes. He starts out by talking about a group of Islamist men who "can't even look at a woman without becoming disgusted with themselves and their own natural yearnings." Andrew suggests that they should just decree that they themselves are not allowed to go outside without wearing a blindfold, instead of forcing women to hide their beauty under black sacks.

Who are we? What do we stand for? What is it you are trying to express? Why are thrillers almost always about bad guys? Can't good guys be portrayed as flawed, but good, because of what they stand for?

Andrew thinks Trump's response to last night's Manchester terror was right on the money. Trump described terrorist killers as "evil losers!"

Islamists and Leftists have something in common. They have the same enemy. Freedom! Only in freedom can we have a conversation and argue about what we believe. Love is not love unless you choose it. Faith is not faith unless you choose it. Both the Islamists and the Leftists are trying to do the same thing - destroy our freedom to find our way and work our will.

Go here to see and/or hear Episode 318 produced today.

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