Friday, May 19, 2017

"We are watching a silent coup to oust a democratically elected president!"

Rush Limbaugh reminds us that what Wikileaks (Russians?) exposed was the cheating on the Democrat side to keep Bernie Sanders from winning the nomination.

Rush predicts that just like global warming became climate change, Russian collusion will become Russian hacking.

All the Democrats need is allegations, not evidence or facts, in order to keep the story going. They have created a large lunatic fringe army of insane people. Rush bets that secretly the Dems/media are worried about having to explain to that army that the only actual evidence is that the DNC colluded with Hillary to keep Bernie from winning the nomination! They still have no evidence of the thing they claim lost them the election! Rush believes that is a potentially explosive circumstance over which the Dems/media will have no control.

Rush gave the results of a Harvard study that showed how the media is presenting Trump in the stories it chooses. The two most biased are CNN and NBC (no surprise), each presenting Trump negatively 93% of the time. CBS follows closely with 91% negative coverage. The New York Times 85% negative, Washington Post 83% negative, Wall Street Journal 62% negative, and Fox 52% negative.

Rush: "We are watching a silent coup to oust a democratically elected president!"

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