Sunday, May 21, 2017

"The media cannot accept that we elected a cat, not a dog. They scream when he refuses to fetch!"

The Greg Gutfeld Show is just getting better and better. Greg opens with a politician who says, "It's gonna take a long time." That is followed by a human, who says terrorists are "sneaky, dirty rats."

Greg says the media cannot accept that we elected a cat, not a dog. They scream when he refuses to fetch!

Greg says, behind closed doors maybe Trump leaned on Comey. In other countries behind closed doors, they strangle you with dental floss!

So it's war, Mean Girls style! Day after day the media invents new petty outrages. Trump is combative, but the media prefers fighting anonymously.

Former pro wrestler and Snoop Dog bodyguard Tyrus does a very funny skit in which he pretends to be the White House Press Secretary.

Much more below.

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