Friday, May 26, 2017

The Left has gone insane, Chelsea Clinton is interconnected, atheists are proud to save 1st and 2nd-graders from Bible studies, 65% of drug dealers in Boston are foreign-born, and ESPN losing viewers because they are injecting progressive victimology into sports

Tucker made the case that the Left has gone insane. Dana Loesch agrees. Many examples were given.

Then there is Chelsea Clinton, who states that climate change and child marriages are interconnected. Luckily, she'll have time to hone her message between now and 2020.

An atheist group is proud that it saved (bullied) 1st and 2nd graders from being taught the Bible by school teachers before the beginning of regular school day classes.

The Boston Police Department released a report that shows that 65% of drug dealers there are foreign born.

ESPN is losing millions of viewers. Jason Whitlock says the sports media people there are injecting progressive victimology into sports. Jason attributes this to the power of Silicon Valley. Google, Facebook, and Instagram, who are attempting to define political correct points of view on the whole country.

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