Thursday, May 25, 2017

Melania speaks Italian in hospital visit in Italy

The Truth Division reports on Melania Trup's visit to an Italian hospital.
On Wednesday, First Lady Melania Trump surprised several kids at Bambino Gesu hospital in Rome with the “gift of tongue.”

According to Trump’s spokeswoman Stephanie Grisham, the First Lady spoke to these children directly in their native language — Italian.

“She went in the children’s [intensive care unit], which was very emotional,” Grisham said.

No other First Lady in American history has travelled abroad and used a secondary language to speak to locals — this is a first.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Melania Trump “personally” wrote a letter to Pope Francis asking if she could make a visit to the hospital.

“She spoke to them in Italian, she signed bandages and she took lots of selfies,” Grisham added.

Trump speaks several other languages besides English and her native Slovenian. It’s been reported that she also speaks German, French, Italian and Serbo-Croatian.

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