Friday, May 05, 2017

Family Matters

Guest post by Suzann Darnall
Various events over the past year, and even quite recently, have prompted me to write a love letter to my family. Past, Present, and Future.

I am blessed with a mostly wonderful family. I say mostly ‘cause let’s face it, we all have a few nuts hanging in the tree, not to mention some black sheep that are so dark as to be pert near indistinguishable from the fearsome darkness in the dead of night without moon, stars, or even the glow of a cell phone.

My grandparents were awesome! I was able to visit with them many times throughout my life. Sometimes they came to our home. Sometimes we went to their home. All four of my grandparents lived long enough for my husband and my daughters to meet and get to know them. Such a special blessing to have those memories.

My parents are wonderful. They spoil their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. They are both exceedingly talented and have shared those talents with their posterity through genetics, teaching, and gifts.

My husband is without doubt the crown jewel in my family. He makes my world glow. He is a good husband, a great father, and an excellent grandfather. I thank the Lord for him each and every day!

My daughters are not only my sweet baby girls, but they have become two of my best friends. I am so lucky to have them live close enough to see often. I am grateful for the times we are able to get together. Sometimes for mommy-daughter lunch dates and sometimes for family gatherings.

My grandchildren are like the loveliest string of pearls to wear about my neck in great pride. Each one is unique, yet together they are beyond beautiful! Even our littlest angel who returned to heaven much too soon is a definite part of this necklace of love made by the entwined arms of my grandchildren that graces my neck each and every day. Even those days I do not see them, my hearts feels their touch in my life.

My sons-in-law are additions to the family that make life a little bit more sweet. They both treat my daughters like queens and they are good to my grandchildren. What more can one ask?

I was blessed with some marvelous siblings, as well. Even the less wonderful will forever hold a place in my heart ‘cause love lives on, even when hatred is returned from the other side. Some of my siblings are not just family, but also friends. All however, are loved. Whether we grew up together or not, we are family!
Due to my family being so long-lived, I was able to meet many generations of my family. There were five living generations (in a direct line) when I was born. I got to know several of those ancestors as I grew up and my children were even able to meet some of them. When my daughter were young we had six living generations (not in a direct line). At present we still have five living generations (not in a direct line) that we know about. So, I was blessed to meet so many family members over the decades. I have wonderful memories of visits with aunts, uncles, and cousins, when visiting with grandparents and great-grandparents.

I look forward to someday being a great-grandmother or even great-great-grandmother to more delightful children and babies. I have always felt like becoming a mother was like having a tiara bestowed upon one’s head. Jewels added to it as one had more children. Then, becoming a grandmother is like trading in that tiara for a coronet. Again, more grandchildren, more jewels. Moving up to great-grandmother it is as if you gain a diadem. With all the jewels of your children, grandchildren, and now great-grandchildren. If one is lucky enough to obtain the status of great-great-grandmother it must be like having a crown settled on one’s aged brow. Filled with generations of family children. Glowing with the joys of decades of love.

Family matters. It is the reason for all this that we are doing in the here and now. The goal for the future. I believe in life eternal. I believe the promise that families can be together forever. I know that there is one treasure I can take with me. It is my family. The crowning glory of my existence. For this, I thank the Lord. I thank Him each and every day for my family, as well as for the eternal plan of happiness!


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