Saturday, May 27, 2017

Egyptian jets attack Islamist positions in eastern Libya

At The Conservative Treehouse Sundance reports,
Following the terrorist attack against Coptic Christians in Egypt, Egyptian military jets attacked Islamic extremist positions in eastern Libya. The officials said the warplanes on Friday targeted the headquarters of the Shura Council in the city of Darna, where local militias are known to be linked to al-Qaida, not the Islamic State group.

He also quotes President Trump:
“America stands with President al-Sisi and all the Egyptian people today, and always, as we fight to defeat this common enemy. America also makes clear to its friends, allies, and partners that the treasured and historic Christian Communities of the Middle East must be defended and protected.”

~ U.S. President Donald J Trump

The retaliatory bombings were aimed at terrorist outposts, Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi stated: “any form of state-sponsored terrorism should be punished. Anyone who attacks Egypt, whether they’re from inside or outside Egypt’s borders, will be punished.” According to Egyptian TV six “terrorist” camps were struck by the sortie.
Read more here.

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