Saturday, May 27, 2017

A crisis of the rule of law!

Is there a better organization than Judicial Watch? Tom Fitton gives us an overview of what Judical Watch is focusing on this week: the Obama spying scandal, the Seth Rich controversy, and the ethics scandal on Capitol Hill.

Rosenstein brings in Mueller not to investigate leaks or Hillary Clinton's cash connections with the Russians, or the illegal unmasking of Americans, but to see if there is any collusion between the Russians and the Trump team.

Fitton points out that Mueller and Comey are friends. Mueller's FBI collaborated with Lois Lerner to investigate the very groups Lerner was suppressing! Mueller's FBI targeted James Rosen of Fox News.

The deep state is leaking to the Washington Post or the New York Times almost every day! Holdover Obama administration loyalists are breaking the law to try to remove Trump from office.

Judicial Watch is filing lawsuits and FOIA requests on these issues and also have filed an ethics complaint against Adam Schiff.

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