Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Is Trump backing away from seeking funding for the wall, in order to avert a government shutdown this weekend?

Is Trump backing away from seeking funding for the wall, in order to avert a government shutdown this weekend? Who gets higher marks for the first 100 days, Trump or Congress? These are two of the questions Laura Ingraham looks at on her show today.

Obama reappeared on the scene with a speech in Chicago. He admitted, "I am the first to acknowledge that I did not set the world on fire." The "Divider-in-Chief" encouraged his listeners to have a protest mentality.

Trump invited 17 conservative journalists to the White House yesterday. Laura attended. She noted that everyone had to turn in their phones ahead of the meeting, which was "off the record." Nevertheless, some are writing about the meeting! Laura said she purposely stayed in the back of the room to watch people.

The latest criticism of Trump by the media is that he is not traveling abroad. Yes, his Vice President is everywhere, his cabinet members are everywhere, but Trump is staying home. He has hosted many world leaders here in America. He is not out there apologizing everywhere for America's shortcomings like Obama did. Trump's first scheduled trip abroad is the NATO meeting in Brussels May 25.

Laura's two guests were Byron York and Marc Thiessen, both of whom have recently written articles Laura recommends.

Laura touched on the subject of ideological differences. When Trump was doing business deals, these were not obstacles. Now they are. I wish she would say more about that.

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