Friday, April 14, 2017

Giving Trump a longer leash

Laura Ingraham took the day off her program yesterday to go to Texas and give a speech. Her hair is no longer on fire about Trump's actions in Syria. She still believes we need to see some real economic progress in the next two-to-three months, though.

It may have helped her to have Larry Kudlow on today's show. He doesn't agree with everything Trump has been doing, but he believes the world knows "America is back!" America can once again be counted on.

Laura believes that maybe what needs to happen is that the Communications people within the White House need to lay better groundwork, so that the American people understand why Trump does what he does. Because of that failure to set a clear tone, the media has been allowed to portray Trump as a shameless flip-flopper

Laura remembers that George W. Bush came to the White House with an ambitious list of things he wanted to do to improve the economy, but almost immediately foreign policy issues demanded the bulk of his attention. She doesn't want that to happen to Trump.

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