Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Canada finds out the US means business

Trade talks between the US and Canada on Canada's decision to undermine U.S. dairy farm exports "fell through." So what is the next step for the Trump team? Hit Canada with tariffs on soft lumber! From CNN:
The tariffs — also called duties — ranged from 3% to 24% on specifically five Canadian lumber companies. For all other Canadian lumber companies, there’s a nearly 20% duty imposed on exports to the US.

The duties were imposed to create a level playing field for American lumber companies.

U.S. lumber companies allege Canadian firms are provided with unfair subsidies by the Canadian government.

Canadian exports of softwood lumber to the U.S. were valued at $5.6 billion last year, according to the Commerce Department.

The Commerce Department said the duties are preliminary and a final determination will be made in September. The U.S. Lumber Coalition, which represents the industry, said the duties will likely take effect starting sometime next week.

The Hill reports,
Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), the ranking member of the Senate Finance Committee, applauded the Commerce Department’s decision.

“Unfairly traded softwood lumber from Canada has for decades hurt mill towns and American millworkers in Oregon and across the country,” Wyden said.

“Today’s announcement sends the message that help is on the way,” he said.
Read more here and here.
hat tip the Conservative Treehouse.

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