Friday, March 03, 2017

White Suffragette Dresses

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

First off, let’s define “suffrage”. It is the right to vote in political elections. Well, pardon me, but don’t American women already have that right? Didn’t we get that right on August 18, 1920, when the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was ratified and finally granted American women the right to vote. A right that had been denied them for far too long. A right that was further delayed while the Democrats kept voting it down. For more than 40 years the Democrat controlled Congress defeated the 19th Amendment each time the Republicans introduced the bill. Yes, that’s right! It was the Democrats who truly waged the war on women.

A tweet by one of these Women in White indicated they were wearing the color as a pledge to fight for various rights, including #reprorights (which they already have, except that they seem to want the abortion right of killing unborn babies without limit), #equal pay (also in place, but some Democrat divas like Hillary Clinton, don’t even pay their female staffers as much as they pay males on their payrolls, so what difference does it make?), and #paidleave (an issue addressed in President Trump’s speech, which the majority of the Women in White did not stand for anyway).

Wearing white was supposed to show their unity, yet they were not in the least bit unified in what they did and did not stand for at the speech. So far as I could see while watching there were some standing, some clapping, and some sitting, without solidarity, throughout the evening. As for supposedly being all about supporting women . . . ummm . . . apparently not so much. In various ways they were disrespectful of President Trumps wife, daughter, and female guests. Many of them could not even offer support to a grieving widow of an American hero who was killed in action. And, they were not in the least consistent in their reactions to pro-women hopes that President Trump has for the future.

Most of them did not even stand or clap when it was announced that H.R. 255 and H.R. 321 were signed earlier in the day by President Trump. Bills specifically aimed at helping women’s advancement in careers of science, technology, engineering, and math, with an emphasis on aerospace and entrepreneurship.

Once again, it seems to me, that “women’s rights”, for these hateful females comes down to one thing and one thing only: abortion. It is not sufficient that abortion is a medical option in America. They apparently want the totally unlimited right to kill unborn children and have it paid for by the government . . . which means by the American citizenry. Heck, they even want us paying for unlimited abortions around the world. I suppose their bloodlust cannot be sufficiently slacked by the appalling number of abortions that happen right here within our borders. So much for wearing white suffragette dresses as a sign of purity. Perhaps blood red would have been more apropos.

But, then again, white has long been a color the Democrats have worn when demonstrating unmitigated hatred. Maybe the women in white should have used sheets. Perhaps as togas, since robes are not exactly fashionable right now. Then they would look like a herd of sorority bunnies at an out of control frat house party. ‘Cause they are certainly are the party out of control. All hyped up on vitriol and living in a state of altered reality.

What it comes down to, time and time again, these women, whether in white or not, do not represent me. In fact, they do not represent the majority of the women I know. I find these women to be an embarrassment to my gender. However, on the plus side, at least they didn’t opt to wear the pink pussyhats!


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