Sunday, March 26, 2017

"What you saw this week was simply that things were a lot more rotten in Washington than we think!"

I know it is the obnoxious Chuck Todd and NBC, but this is my first time to hear Budget Director Mike Mulvany, and I was impressed. Todd: "This is the biggest broken promise that anybody has made in American political history!" Exaggerate much, Chuck?
Chuckie follows that with, "You have the duty to make Obamacare work!" Mulvany: "You cannot fix a broken system!" "The government can force you to have something you didn't want?" "You are not going to fix a system that doesn't trust you to do what is in your best interest!" "What you saw this week was simply that things were a lot more rotten in Washington than we think!"

"Chuck you" Todd wasn't done. He wanted to know why Trump tweeted to urge his followers to watch Judge Jeanine's show last night. Is Trump trying to subtly get rid of the liberal media's friend, Paul Ryan? "Not for one second, you big baby!"

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