Monday, March 20, 2017

The unmasking and the leaking

More on the Intelligence Committee Hearing today from Sundance at The Last Refuge:
...not a single congressional panelist asked Director James Comey or NSA Mike Rogers if they personally were the person who unmasked the identity of General Mike Flynn in the “intelligence intercepts”.

Yes, that’s correct. There is only ONE KNOWN Factual and CRIMINAL activity currently identified: the unmasking and leaking of Mike Flynn’s name to the media.

Yet not a single congressional intelligence committee member would ask Rogers or Comey -under oath- if they were the source of: A) “The Unmasking”, and/or B) “The Leaking”.

Stop for a moment and think about that glaring an intentional non-inquiry against the expressed intention of the purpose of the committee.
Trey Gowdy gets Comey to admit that some Obama political appointees had the ability to "unmask" the names of US citizens.
Gowdy asks Comey hypothetical questions about intel officials leaking to the press. Comey replies, "Somebody told them who shouldn't have told them!" Gowdy asks about the unmasking process.

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