Thursday, March 02, 2017

"The attacks on Sessions started when some of his own employees decided to leak intelligence information -- just like happened to General Flynn. It will continue unless the administration realizes the media isn't the only gang in Washington opposed to the interests of the American people."

J. Christian Adams writes at PJ Media,
Today's Justice Department drama is a tactic by Democrats to personalize and polarize a target. It is a strategy to make Jeff Sessions devote time and energy to this instead of protecting America from foreign influences and cleaning up the Justice Department from the lawless rot that Obama caused. The Democrats prefer the lawless rot, so they want Sessions to be diverted from his job.

Of course the leaks are going to continue until the new administration has the guts to clean the place out of all the radicals that were embedded there.

Leaks are pouring out over large and small matters because so far nobody is afraid of crossing the new administration. The attacks on Sessions started when some of his own employees decided to leak intelligence information -- just like happened to General Flynn. It will continue unless the administration realizes the media isn't the only gang in Washington opposed to the interests of the American people.
Read more here.

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