Thursday, March 30, 2017

Surveillance, unmasking, felonious leaking of intelligence

Now both Hannity and Mark Levin have picked up on the story Sundance brought us days ago. Two other veteran investigative reporters have found the existence surveillance on the Trump staff. Dr. Evelyn Fargus needs the best attorney in Washington DC! Hannity tries to warn her. It is a felony requiring ten years of imprisonment!

Within minutes after I posted this, You Tube took away the video. Here is a new video with the same information; in fact, even more information, since it has Hannity interviewing the two journalists from Circa News.

Oops! The video has been taken down again. Go here to see the video:
Guess what, folks? Apparently You Tube has taken down Hannity program video! The link does not work!

hat tip Sundance

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