Friday, March 24, 2017

Feminists: Pro-Choice? Not Exactly!

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

There is so much going on in the feminist sphere right now that it is almost impossible to know where to begin and where to end. So, this is gonna be a bit of a free-for-all against my pink pussyhat pet peeve of the week. Oh, okay, in full disclosure, my particular topic selection has been a pet peeve of mine for months, years, and even decades!

The war on stay-at-home wives and mothers has been pretty much going on since ERA, NOW, and feminists have been around. I know it is why I decided to not be involved in the so-called fight for equality and choice when I was still in junior high school. As a young teenager I realized that what feminists called equality and choice was actually about them wanting to denigrate men and not allow women to do anything except what feminists deemed acceptable.

That war was further waged against women like my mother, me, and my oldest daughter, when Hillary Clinton made her now infamous comment, “I suppose I could have stayed home and baked cookies and had teas, but what I decided to do was to fulfill my profession, which I entered before my husband was in public life.” This arrogant witch seems to discount that some of us ARE fulfilling our chosen profession when we stay home, bake cookies, and hostess teas. That is a lot of what my mother and I did as stay-home mothers and Air Force wives. It was our choice and our career. Every bit as fulfilling as whatever she was doing in her political arena of corruption and controversy, as well as a whole lot more important to the welfare of those around us!

Now another volley has been fired across the bows of women who choose to put family first and have a home-based career. This time a so-called journalist from Australia has put into blunt words what I have always felt many feminists here in America would like to have signed into law. Sarrah Le Marquand wrote a column titled, “It should be illegal to be a stay-at-home mum.” I won’t go into her article in depth ‘cause I think her title says it all. In essence she lectures that all men and women must subscribe to her ideas of what is best for families, selves, and society. Which is not about allowing people to choose what they want to do and what they think is best for their families and selves.

I am tired of feminists across the decades telling me what my choices should be or that I cannot possibly be equal if I do not make the choices they approve. I have no need to have a bunch of venomous hags dressed in white and wearing pink pussyhats trying to tell me how to feel empowered.

I am empowered. I am equal. I am important. I make my choices. I exercise my freedoms. I am woman, hear me ignore . . . all the vitriolic hate speech from feminists. Wanna preach pro-choice and equality? How about y’all quit dumping on those of us who choose life, choose to be wives and mothers, choose to stay home, and feel 100% equal to our husbands while we do it???


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