Sunday, March 26, 2017

Billionaires and their PR Firms

At The Last Refuge, Sundance looks at some of the billionaires who control funding for the re-election campaigns of members of Congress. He links to this post from California on the Koch brothers threatening to withhold re-election funding for their puppets in the House. In addition to the millions of dollars in donations from the Koch Brothers, Sundance lists these donors and the media enterprises they control.
Billionaire BIG CLUB – Influence and Control agents:

♦ Billionaire Carlos Slim – PR Firm: New York Times.

♦ Billionaire Robert Mercer – PR Firm: Breitbart Media

♦ Billionaire Jeff Bezos – PR Firm: Washington Post

♦ Billionaire Rupert Murdoch – PR Firm: Wall Street Journal, Fox News Corp.

♦ Billionaire Farris Wilks – PR Firm: The Daily Wire (Ben Shapiro)

♦ Billionaire Cary Katz – PR Firm: Conservative Review and CRTV (Mark Levin)
Read more here.

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