Friday, March 31, 2017

Attempts to cripple the Trump presidency

Sundance writes at The Last Refuge,
Riddle me this: The Mexican government openly admits to spending millions of dollars to influence U.S. elections; a Mexican billionaire owns the most influential U.S. media outlet (NYT); the Mexican government spends tens of millions to lobby congress; and the Mexican government has dedicated $50 million to pay for U.S. legal services to keep illegal aliens from being returned to Mexico; yet somehow it’s the Russian government that is a concern. Odd no?

Dr. Stephen Cohen, a Russian expert with more than 40 years experience, says the Hillary campaign made a decision in the summer of 2016 to run against Trump and Putin, instead of Trump and Pence. He asserts that these accusations about Trump and the Russians colluding have themselves become a grave American national security threat.

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