Thursday, March 16, 2017

At the Bookworm Room today

As usual, Bookworm covers some really interesting stories today. In addition to the story about Egypt offering the Palestinians land, there are stories about CRTV ending its relationship with Mark Steyn, Milwaukee Police Chief Edward Flynn refusing to be intimidated by the ACLU, Greenpeace admitting that it just tells lies, a report revealing “More than 330,000 households in Germany have seen their electricity cut off over the past year alone.”

Bookworm seconds the Ann Coulter Obamacare Repeal Plan. It doesn’t have to be complicated –a one-year transition period and then let the free market do its work.

There is a piece about troubled homes and transgender confusion, followed by an introduction to Praxis, a 9-month startup apprenticeship program for 17-28-year-olds who want to take a gap year or skip college entirely. After completing a professional bootcamp, participants work 6 months at a growing startup, develop marketable skills and experiences, and receive a full-time job offer upon completion.

Lastly, she links to an article on why mature people support the Second Amendment. Do you see why the Bookworm Room is one of my favorite blogs to read?

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