Sunday, February 19, 2017

What the American people do not believe!

Bookworm is really on a roll. No one else on the internet is producing thoughtful essays like she is. Today she writes,
The American people do not believe that a president is manifestly unfit to serve when he declares that he’s going to use his executive authority to build a border wall that Congress mandated in 2006. Since that time, the American people have seen how well Israel’s fence worked, not to keep people trapped inside a prison nation a la the Berlin Wall, but to keep bad people outside of a democratic nation. They’ve also seen the bad effects that uncontrolled immigration has had in Europe. And of course, here at home, many Americans are not thrilled when people who have no permission to be here in the first place get welfare, take jobs, fill up academic slots, weigh down the healthcare system, commit crimes, and cause accidents. Building a wall does not prove you’re unfit.

The American people do not believe that freezing federal wages and slowing hiring is a sign that the president is unfit to lead. They’ve noticed that the burgeoning federal bureaucracy, rather than improving their lives, has come to the point at which it’s a serious drag on economic growth and a threat to individual liberty. They’ve also noticed that federal employees, who are theoretically the people’s servants, have wages and benefits far in excess of those the taxpayers — their employers — often receive. Americans aren’t mad at most individual government employees — only those waging war on a democratically elected government– but they understand that the madness needs to stop.

The American people do not believe that taking a hard line with Iran is a sign that the president is unfit to lead. They did not like it when Obama conducted secret negotiations with Iran as a prelude to giving it billions of dollars to pursue its nuclear dreams. Obama’s promises to the country, they saw that giving in to Iran’s demands did not make it a nicer country desiring only harmony with the world’s nations. Instead, it doubled down on its verbal attacks against Israel and America and escalated its work on a specific type of nuclear missile to which Obama gave the green light — one capable of reaching Israel. Obama’s only demand was “don’t make one that hits Europe.”

The American people do not believe that realigning America with Israel is a problem. They like Israel. They respect the brave little democracy that stays true to its humanist ideals in the middle of a sink hole of Dark Ages ideology. They think a country that supports all people, regardless of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, creed, etc., is a better deal than those surrounding nations that have hatred written into their religion and their laws (but I repeat myself), so that they routinely brutalize women, execute gays, violently persecute all religions but their own, and have an unfortunate habit of producing terrorists who target the West. Americans were not happy when Obama’s last major act as president was to betray Israel at the UN.

The Americ an people do not believe that the Supreme Court exists as a super-legislature, one that can pass or destroy laws without regard to either the constitution or voting constituents. They’re beginning to figure out that the Founders where right (of course) when they gave the legislatures, which are directly answerable to the voters, the right to enact laws, while reserving for federal courts, which do not directly answer to the people, the very limited right to determine whether those laws are constitutional or not, according to the Constitution as actually written. That’s why the American people were not outraged when Trump referred to “so-called” judges who encroach on the executive’s constitutional sphere without even bothering to cite to relevant statutes or to the constitution, and without any knowledge of the national security issues driving the policy. These aren’t judges; they’re activists in black robes — Trump gets it and so do the people. Neither are crazy.

The American people do not believe that a president is guilty of violating the First Amendment when he calls the media on its gross prejudice and dishonesty. They understand that violating the First Amendment involves things such as federal police storming media outlets, arresting reporters and their families, or (as is too common in Russia) killing reporters. It’s things like that which violate the First Amendment. The American people, having watched the American media foam at the mouth, hallucinate, and general compete with used-car salesmen and Congress for trustworthiness, think its a good thing when the President, who gives the media almost unlimited access to him, scolds them openly for lying about and slandering the presidency and his administration, which means the American people cannot rely upon them to be a true political watchdog.

The American people do not believe that a president cannot function in office when he says loudly and clearly that domestic and international Islam have a terrorism problem — and that they have an assimilation problem that sees them being very bad citizens indeed. From Pope Francis on down, the Left can say that there’s no connection between Islam and terrorism, but ordinary people know better. They fully understand that, while not all or even most Muslims are terrorists, almost all terrorists of late have been Muslims — and, moreover, Muslims who cite to chapter and verse in the Koran to justify their actions. They’re pretty sure it’s not only not crazy, but is in fact very sane to take steps to protect American people from an unstoppable influx of Muslims coming into America from the most terror-prone lands.

The American people do not believe that a president is insane when he notes that computer climate models are consistently wrong; that the so-called scientists promulgating these models need to rely upon fake data; that the green movement is corrupt; that European “green” initiatives (such as this, out of Germany) are proving disastrous, especially for people on middle- and lower-incomes; that the Obama administration wasted billions of taxpayer dollars on green cronies; and that the in-your-face activists and energy hogging celebrities such as alBore and Leo DiCaprio are all hypocrites. (This is my favorite post about the massive climate change scam.) Trump’s not crazy; he’s sensible.

Bookworm goes on to detail the latest Progressive plot: invoking the 25th Amendment to remove Trump from office because they think he is mentally ill. Read more here.

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