Saturday, February 18, 2017

"Virtue-signaling bleeding hearts"

Daniel Thomas writes at Cambrian Dissenters,
The ‘refugees welcome’ useful idiots, along with EU supporters, Labor Party voters and virtue-signaling celebrities, are not only ignoring the heinous crimes committed by immigrants and their progeny but insulting the victims and their loved ones.

Three of the July 7th London Transport bombers who killed fifty-two and injured some seven hundred others were children of Pakistani immigrants the fourth being an immigrant from Jamaica.

The July 21st London Transport bombers, who were intercepted before they committed mass murder contained one immigrant from Ghana, one from Eritrea, two from Somalia and three from Ethiopia.

The monsters that brutally murdered and attempted to behead Fusilier Lee Rigby in broad daylight outside a school in a busy London Street were the children of immigrants from Nigeria.

To their eternal shame this group of virtue-signaling bleeding hearts are ignoring the Rotherham child grooming scandal where some fourteen hundred under age white girls were groomed, sexually assaulted, raped and pimped out by Pakistani pedophile gangs. This horror was allowed to continue for over decade with the tacit approval of the authorities including their Member of Parliament, Denis McShane, the police, the local council, schools and unbelievably the children’s welfare services.
Read more here.

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