Friday, February 17, 2017

Top peddlers of global governance meet in Dubai

Alex Newman reports at The New American,
Meeting this week at the annual “World Government Summit” in the United Arab Emirates, under the shadow of a replica monument from the false god Baal's temple, top globalists and establishment leaders from around the planet offered a series of stunning revelations about their agenda. From the socialist new UN secretary-general and the embattled boss of the International Monetary Fund to national government leaders and tax-funded crony capitalists, over a hundred prominent speakers lectured thousands of attendees on the supposed necessity of globalism, multiculturalism, statism, Big Government, social engineering, “sustainability,” and more. One speaker, tax-funded billionaire Elon Musk, even claimed humans must merge with machines and governments must give everyone an income.

...Despite the growing public revolt against globalism and statism across the West — most recently seen in Brexit and Trump's election — the globalist establishment clearly has no plans to let up or even slow down, as evidenced by the speeches offered at the World Government Summit this week by top peddlers of global governance. If liberty and self-government are to survive and thrive, then, the agenda for technocratic planetary rule must be exposed and halted as quickly as possible. But with globalists increasingly dropping the mask when it comes to their true intentions, the time to do that has never been better.
Read more here.

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