Thursday, February 16, 2017

The Obama Shadow government

From Rush Limbaugh's show yesterday:
...There just isn’t any “there” there. The Democrats are down 1,200, 1,300 seats. They only run five states. They literally are a regional political party and the battles that they’re having internally to come up with a new chairman are an embarrassment.

The Democrat Party really, really is dwindling away before our eyes. But don’t misunderstand me. It’s precisely because of this that the unelected Democrat Party, which is embedded in our nation’s bureaucracy, has taken over the role of the opposition party. And by that I mean all of the Obama appointees in the intelligence community. All of the Obama and Clinton appointees at the departments of justice, departments of state and the defense department, they are all there, and they are working to sabotage the administration of Donald Trump from within. They are doing this with the aid and cooperation of the media.

...And so they have to turn the country into something other than a representative republic, something other than a democracy, which is what they are doing and which is why what they are doing is far more dangerous than anything Flynn may or may not have done. It’s far more dangerous than anything Flynn may or may not have said. And this effort to deconstruct and transform this country began in Ernest with Barack Hussein Obama and it continues from the shadows of the embedded bureaucrats all throughout not just the federal government, but in the judiciary and in certain levels of state government.

...The media long ago stopped trusting you, and instead, the media has thrown in with a political party.

They’ve always been tight with them, but now it’s official. The media has thrown in not just with the Democrat Party; the media has thrown in with the Barack Obama shadow government and the Barack Obama administration. And the media’s objective now has nothing to do with informing you. Their objective now… I mean, they want you to be misinformed. I mean, they are still reporting fake news, made-up news. They are lying about things, hoping to make it easier for them and the Obama shadow government to eventually get rid of Trump and everybody in his administration.

...There is no evidence for the primary assertion that is driving this entire attack on Trump. This attack is coming from the shadows of the deep state where former Obama employees remain in the intelligence community. That would be at the CIA; that would be at the Defense Intelligence Agency; that would be at the National Security Agency. They are there. They were not elected. They were appointed.
Maybe Bill Clinton put them in there, and they have remained, and it is they who are leaking elements of, say, the Flynn phone call with the Russian ambassador. They are not providing a transcript of the entire call. They are only presenting excerpts they want us to see. It’s kind of like the way NBC edited the 911 call of the “white Hispanic” George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case. It’s much akin to what happened to me during my 60 Minutes profile. They collect hours and hours of videotape and then they alone decide what they’re gonna use and what they’re going to cut.

...Obama’s not on TV. His embedded employees are doing the dirty work, and they are leaking to people in the media. But they’re not leaking to people in the media. They’re leaking to friends. They’re leaking to compatriots. The people in the media are the neighbors and the friends of (and in some cases having affairs with) the people in the intel community that are doing the leaking. It is a symbiotic, incestuous relationship within the Washington establishment. And they are all aligned. They do not like the result of an open and free election.

They cannot accept it. They have constructed this lie to assure themselves that they didn’t lose, and that is that the Russians tampered, the Russians hacked, that Trump worked with the Russians, and that they and Hillary and the Democrats got screwed out of what is rightfully theirs, and that is never-ending entitlement to power. They reject an election. They reject and hold in contempt the people who voted in that election, and they’re now trying to reverse the results of that election in as undemocratic and un-American a manner as could exist short of a military coup.

And they are doing this in consort with the American media, which is not media. Meaning they are not competing for your opinions. They’re not competing for your support. They’re not in the arena of ideas. They are on the side of the embedded shadow government attempting to destroy political opponents they don’t like. This is the kind of thing that happens in Cuba, banana republics, Venezuela, the lesser developed nations that don’t even make a pretense at democracy or representative republicanism or anything of the sort.

Whatever Flynn did, whatever Flynn is alleged to have done pales in comparison to what’s happening to our country by the Obama shadow government. And I choose to the word that way because that’s what it is. It’s a bunch of former Obama bureaucrats that he put in the various agencies that didn’t leave when he did. Clinton has some people that are still there and this is how the left operates.

Because, folks, the Democrat Party has ceased to function as an opposition force. The Democrat Party really, without the assistance of the media, can’t stop anything. They don’t have the numbers. They have lost over a thousand seats. You know the drill. The Obama shadow government, the deep state, and all of the leftist judges throughout our judiciary make up now the official opposition to the portion of our country that believes in America as founded.

...he point is there’s a bogus allegation that is fueling all of this. The Flynn resignation, the Flynn controversy, everything about this that you’ve seen in the last however long you’ve been watching, two days, three days, two weeks, three weeks, it is all fueled by the New York Times leading the pack for the Democrat Party to assert that the election was hacked by the Russians. The Russians worked together with Donald Trump to screw Hillary Clinton out of the presidency. It is a lie that they have told themselves so much, I actually now think they believe it.

...It’s a 1,300-word article. In the third paragraph, the New York Times admits that its sources, quote, “said that so far they had seen no evidence of such cooperation.” Well, then why run the freaking alert last night when in the third paragraph of the story following the alert, you will find “so far they had seen no evidence of cooperation”? So last night we get a breaking news alert that experts monitoring intercepts have found contact between Trump campaign officials and Russian officials! Sound the alarms bells!

...You are being lied to on purpose, and with full-fledged knowledge of the people lying to you, and they’re doing this under the guise of presenting to you news.

...So the fact is there’s no evidence and there never has been any evidence for any of that. There is no evidence the Russians had anything to do with votes, either casting them or counting them. There is no evidence the Russians had anything to do with any aspect of the election. There’s none. Nobody’s found it. They’ve looked. The media, the deep state, the intelligence people that are plugged in as holdovers from the Obama administration, they have searched, they have interviewed, they’ve wiretapped, they’ve hacked, they’ve monitored, they’ve looked everywhere they can, and they can’t find any evidence.

...Sure as shooting, they run their story this morning based on that news alert, and in the third paragraph they admit that their sources have not been able to provide one ounce of evidence showing collusion between Trump and the Russians on the election. Furthermore, they can’t even prove that the contacts between Trump people and the Russians during the campaign were even about the election. It is totally made up. It is full-fledged, 100 percent fake news, including the premise that the election was hacked by the Russians and Hillary should have won.

...NSA was tapping the ambassador’s phone calls, he’s a bad guy, he’s the enemy, and so we legally, FISA court permission, have been monitoring the Russian ambassador’s phone calls. The Russian ambassador knows this. I mean, anyone doing business knows the NSA’s tagging ’em and following them. There’s a transcript of the call that they will not release. The shadow government, the Obama shadow government, the deep state, the intelligence bureaucrats will not release the full transcript of the phone call.
Read more here.

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