Friday, February 17, 2017

Texas Governor Abbott to NFL: fix your own problems!

Texas Governor Abbott tells the NFL to fix its own problems (players who refuse to stand and put hand over heart during the singing of the national anthem, players beating up wives and girlfriends), before telling states who can use which bathrooms. Read more and view video of Governor Abbott here.

Ace of Spades addresses the problem:
However, if Texas, or any other state, wishes to bar professional sports teams from ever attempting to blackmail them into what laws they can and cannot pass or enforce, I have a much more powerful corrective.

States should begin proposing this law:

No municipality shall have the authority to issue any bonds, or direct any public monies, towards the construction of any arena, stadium, or venue of any type intended partially for use by a private company, unless permission to do so is first granted by an act of the state legislature itself or a statewide referendum affirmatively permitting such a corporate-enrichment boondoggle.

Municipalities are delegated whatever powers of the state the state wishes to confer upon them. Municipalities, you may or may not know, act with the power of the state when they pass ordinances and tax bills and such -- but that power derives from the reservoir of powers the state possesses, and which the state has conferred upon them via charters of incorporation.

Those powers can be circumscribed, expanded, limited, or cancelled.

You don't have to include that last part, the part about the legislative or popular referendum override of the general forbiddance, but that could be thrown in there for RINOs who really do want to do favors for corporate bullies and who therefore won't vote for such a bill without an escape clause.

When the states get serious about simply cutting off cities' rights to issue bonds or directly subsidize, with taxpayer money, the new stadiums these free-riding vulture socialists are always demanding, then you'll see the NFL and NBA adopt a much less high-handed tone.

You want a #War?

Well we're your Huckleberry. You're a right Daisy for giving us the #War we've been itching to give you back.

You need your wagons fixed and your britches properly sized? Well you came to the right place.

Nothing's gonna change, folks, until we all collectively decide that:

1. These people need our goodwill far more than we need theirs, and

2. It is beyond time we started acting aggressively to defend ourselves in the war that these transnational socialist barbarians have brought to our shores, and

3. When we collectively decide to spend time in more ancient and eternal pursuits than sitting in front of their idiot boxes -- their church and their state; their sun, their moon; their alpha and omega; their propaganda mouth and their all-seeing high-def eye -- only then will they whither and pass from this earth.

The TV is their one power source, and the one (or two, or three, or five) beachhead(s) of transnational socialist progressivism we've not only permitted but have paid loads of money to sit in our homes, acting as parasites on our lives, spirits, and energy.

Kill their gods -- kill their television power. Slaughter their gods, raze their temples, scatter their cults to the four winds.
Read more here.

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